Monday, May 16, 2011

Head LSU Strength and Conditioning Coach Tommy Moffitt Talks Cheribundi

If you are an athlete, or someone that enjoys exercise, you may have heard that tart cherry juice can aid in muscle recovery after sports performance. Researchers attribute the benefits of tart cherries to anti-inflammatory, antioxidant compounds they contain called anthocyanins, also responsible for cherries' bright red color. If you haven’t tried tart cherry juice for yourself, how do you really know that it works? Head Louisiana State University Head Strength and Conditioning Coach is a believer in the power of tart cherry juice for muscle recovery, and from his personal success with the juice he now provides cheribundi to all LSU athletes – over 400 of them!

So Coach Moffitt, as the Head LSU Strength and Conditioning Coach, what does your job entail?
“It is my responsibility to increase athletic performance of LSU athletes, reduce injuries, help athletes rehab after surgeries and maintain health and activity of all sports teams.”

How did you discover cheribundi?
“I discovered cheribundi (at the time cherrypharm), at a sports conference. Among all of the booths at the event, there was always a crowd surrounding the tart cherry juice booth. After a while, I started to wonder what the fuss was all about, and decided to take a look for myself. The gentleman at the booth encouraged me to drink the juice and come back to him the next day to report how I felt. Surprisingly enough, after drinking the juice my normal aches and pains weren’t as bad as they usually are. From then on, I was hooked.”

How long have you been using cheribundi with LSU athletes?
“I’ve been using cheribundi with the teams for about three years.”

How do you prescribe tart cherry juice to athletes?
“The doses we give to athletes vary depending on height, weight, body mass and amount of aches and pains. Football players are big guys and need more juice than athletes with smaller builds.”

What results have you witnessed in athlete muscle recovery and sports performance?
“From anyone that has played football, or any sport for that matter, you know that your body can take a beating.  As a coach, I implement various strength conditioning and recovery methods, however, the athletes that drink cheribundi seem to find that they recovery faster than when they don’t.”

Do you drink cheribundi yourself?
“Yep, Skinny Cherry!”

What advice do you give to new LSU athletes or non tart cherry juice drinkers?
“I recommend tart cherry juice to a lot of people. It’s worked for LSU, and I can speak from personal experience that cheribundi is the real deal!”

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